Friday, April 1, 2016

The Letter "L"
By: Beka Petersen

The letter "L" brings lots of 
great memories.
Little kids eating there lollipops
with all of there friends.
Going to the lake with 
your grandpa. 
Drinking old lemonade on a 
hot summer day,
Or even just laying lazy in 
your bed on a cold day. 
I guess you could say, the letter "L"
bring a lot of great things.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

I look back and see the man running after me, but he’s getting tired and starts to slow down. I chuckle a little bit when I see him run, every couple of steps he starts to hop. When I look forward again  I see people all around me looking at me like I’m some type of criminal, but that’s not how I see it, I just see something I like and take it, more like borrowing and not wanting to give it back. The people in this little town just don’t get that not everyone gets what they want so we need to make some improvements to get it. They might not be the best ways to get something, but it works for me. “I’ll get you next time you little punk” the man said barley getting a chance to catch a breath. I stop running and laugh a little, this man has been judging me throughout the years that his house is better than mine and he has everything that I don’t. So I figured it was his turn to see something that I had and he didn’t. It was a very nice watch, golden and nice and shiny.
“Hey you! Stop right there!” Crap. It’s the cops and I bet they know what I just did. I run as fast as I could down the alley and can see a small little white house with a red door, If I run fast enough I can get in and loose them. I run as fast as I could to get to that little house, as I get closer I see more details of the small house, there’s a small apple tree in the front and its starting to bloom, but better than that none of the lights where on so no one should be home. Perfect. I get up to the door and hoped that it was unlocked, but of course they weren’t. I run to the side of the little house and jump the fence into the garden in the backyard. I sit down and peak though a crack that was in the fence, they finally passed the house and didn’t see me.
“Thank God.” I try to say while catching my breath. I can feel my boots getting socked, the soil was wet and getting my clothes and boots wet, great. I get up and wipe the wet soil off of my jeans and walk towards the back door. The door was red just like the one in the front, but this one was beaten up. I put my hand on the door knob and hope for the best. The knob was cold as ice, slowly turning the door knob and was able to get in. It was a lot warmer in here than it was outside. At night it starts to get cold, I walk around the house and see old pictures of a family, well half a family there as only a mother and daughter, she was beautiful though her eyes where blue and she was wearing a white dress with little blue flowers on the end. I turned around and……..
I open my eyes a little, it was black with some light coming in from the corner “Ouch my head…. What just...”
“Why are you in my house?! What do you want?”
I lift my head up and see a girl standing in front of me with a baseball bat “Calm down lady I…..” I probably shouldn’t tell her I’m in here because I got chased by the cops. “I’m in here because it was cold inside and I had nowhere else to go.”
“And you just decided to break into someone else’s house and think that’s okay!”
“Well…. At the time yes, but please forgive me I was cold and had nowhere else to go”
“Why don’t you just go to your house?”
“Because my father was drunk and I was running away from him.” I know that this is really bad thing that I’m lying, but geez this lying crap is actually working. Wonder how much of this she actually believes. She stops and looks at me, her eyes are even better than the pictures, there was a hint of green inn them too.
“Well next time how about you knock on the door before you invade someone’s house like that.  And why are you so dirty and beaten up?”
“Well, that’s a very long story, than we can talk about another day, but for now, is it okay if I stay here for the night?”
“I hope that you know this is not okay and you shouldn’t be going into other houses, we don’t have an extra bed, would you be fine to stay on the couch? But before you do that you should clean up a little bit and take a shower, you really stink.”
I smell myself, she was right. I smell horrible and really should clean up. “Well get up, I’ll show you around the house.”
I get up and follow her around as she shows me the house, the kitchen and living room are connected and there is a little hall that leaves to a bathroom and bedroom. I’ve never seen such a clean house before, it was nice though I liked it.
I get into the bathroom and turn the shower on. I look around and there isn’t any guy things in here, just a bunch of stuff that girls like to get. I get into the shower, the warm water hitting my back feels amazing right now, all day doing work takes a lot out of you sometimes, well I guess I shouldn’t call it work, but it still does a lot to a guy. I look down and I grab my shampoo, great so I get to smell like lavender. I took a fast shower so I could get some sleep. I put my clothes on and head into bed. She put a pillow and blankets on the couch for me. As soon as I hit the couch and get comfortable I fell right asleep.
                I open my eyes a little and can see her making breakfast, the smell of bacon, eggs, and toast it smells so good that I can almost taste it. I get up and start folding the blankets.
                “So you never told me your name, or can you not tell me that either?” she says while flipping one of the eggs.
                “Oh uh my name is Jason”
                “That’s a very nice name, my name is Brooklyn, but everyone here just calls me Brook.”
                Gosh, even her name is amazing. I walk over to the kitchen and see that she burnt the bacon. I laugh a little and she looks at me “So I’m not a good cook, but I bet you couldn’t do any better.” As she says with a little bit of sass.
                “I wasn’t laughing, I actually love burnt bacon, with eggs and toast.” I look over and she has a smirk on her face, she was trying not to laugh. She turns to the right and gets two plates out for the both of us. “Can you go inn that drawer and get out some silver where?” I look down and I was standing right in front of the drawer, when I open it I grab two forks and a knife for the jelly. I turn around and she’s sitting at the table waiting for me to come sit down with her.
                “Look Jason, I’m not sure if you’re a bad guy or something, but I need to get to know you a little better before we become ‘friends’.” She says as I sit down with her to eat.
                “Well I enjoy seeing new things and traveling.”
                “Wait you know how to get out of this town?” she said looking curious at me.
                “Yeah, Why?”
                “I’ve lived here my whole life, and my mom has been keeping me in this little town my whole life. It’s like she’s scared I’m going to leave her and never come back.”
                “Oh well, if you want I can get you out of here and go to California with me. I hate living in a small town in the middle of nowhere.” This is a little weird, met the girl last night while breaking into her house, and now asking her to leave town with me.
                “Really? You could do that?” she asks with a smile.
                “Sure, if you really want to. When would you like to leave? It’s a four day trip to Cali if we take to train today.”
                “Okay, I’ll go pack and get some things!” she jumps up and starts to get all of her things. I can’t believe I’m finally getting out of here, with her. I’m glad I can get out of this town though, away from the cops and everyone here. “I’m ready!” she yells and walks out with boots, a hoodie, and some jeans with a hole on her knee, her hair is braided with some hair on the sides that she didn’t care where there.
                We walk out and I put on my hat so that no one could see my face, especially the cops. “Well you seem a little jumpy.” She says glaring at me. She was right I was being a little weird, but she doesn’t know that the cops are looking for me, or that I’m even a bad person. “Well, you wouldn’t want the cops or someone seeing you and telling your mom that you left town with someone you barely even know, would you?” I look at her and wait for an answer. “Well no, so let’s get to that train, fast.” She looks forward and begins to follow me to the train. I smile and start walking.
                I’m glad I met this girl, she’s different, but a good different. Her skin is pale almost like some type of angle that came down from heaven. This is crazy, I’m falling for a girl that I only met yesterday we don’t even know one thing about each other. I lied to her that’s probably not a good way to meet a person. I’ve got to tell her the truth.
                “Look… I have to tell you something…” I turn my head to look at her.
                “Go for it.” She says with a smile
                “Last night I wasn’t being completely honest with you. I was actually running away from the cops because I stole something so I saw your house so I went in to get away. Please forgive me I didn’t want to seem like a bad person so I kind of lied.” I look at her and she starts to laugh at me like this is some type of funny joke.
                “Haha I know you did silly, I know a lot about you not in like a creepy way but…. Well let’s just say I’m like your guardian angel.” I look at her like she’s crazy but I don’t care I’m glad that she forgives me or at least knows I was lying.
                “Alright, well that’s cool.” I look forward and can see the train coming. We better start running to be able to get on.
                “Follow me and try to keep up.” I look at her as she starts to shake her head. I start to run as fast as I could, and she was actually keeping up with me. We get up to the tracks, I stop and look back at her. “We have to jump!”
“What! We have to jump onto this thing?!”
“Just shut up and jump onto the stupid train!” I look at the train and see an opening coming up.
“On the count of three we’re going to jump! Okay?”
“You better hope this works!” I look at her and smile. She grabs my hand and I can tell that she can trust me with this.
“One……. Two……. THREE!!!!” We jump into the air and for a slight second it feels like we’re flying. Of course that doesn’t last long and we hit the wooden floor of the train. It feels like I just fell onto a hard sidewalk of concrete. I look up and I can see her on the ground smiling. I can’t believe we just jumped onto a train.
                “That was amazing! The feeling of the rush and jumping into the air like that! I’ve never done something so…. So breathe taking!” She seems so full of life, like she’s always seeing the good.
                “Well I’m glad that you enjoyed that. In no time we’ll be in California.”
                “Thank you.” She says. I smile and sit up. The sun begins to set, the darker it gets the colder it begins to get. She leans on me and slowly falls asleep. I put my arm around her to try and keep her warm though the night. As I watch the stars come out I begin to think about all the things that I’ve done. They were bad, and I didn’t know if I could ever take those things back. I hope that I can, I want to be a better person, but it’s as easy as it seems.
                “Good morning sun shine!” I know it’s her voice, the voice that makes me smile every time I hear it.
                “Good morning” I try to say while barley waking up.
                “So I was thinking about it and it turns out at the speed were going we’ll be in California tomorrow night!” she seems so happy about getting there, but what’s she going to do there? Does she have family up there or something?
                “Why are you so happy to get to California?” I asked.
                “I’ve always wanted to go there but never got the chance too.” I shake my head and look out the train window.
                “Why do you like to steal things if you know that it’s not good?” she asked.
                “All my life people judge me, and say what they have that I don’t. I guess it just makes me feel like I finally have something.”
                “I think you could stop if you wanted too. You’re a very bright person who cares a lot for others even if you don’t think you are, I know you can do anything you want too.” I smile when she says that. No one has ever made me smile the way that she does.
                “Thank you.”
                “And I think that when we get to California it could be your new beginning. Like a do over.” She smiles and looks at with those eyes.
“Look it’s not that easy people can’t just start over.” I begin to get a little frustrated that she thinks that I can just change into some ‘new person’ in a day, but at the same time I understand that she does care about me, that she really does care about me. “I’ve tried to be a better person. It just never ends up working out for me.”
“This time though, can be your last chance or try, but I can guarantee that this time it will work out for you. New home, new people, get a job, have a family.” Hearing her say family runs through my mind over and over again. I’ve never thought about having a family before. I guess it would be nice to start over and try new things.
“I’ll think about it.” I look out the window again, it’s nice and hot outside, the sky is blue. I felt like I’ve never been somewhere so beautiful and full of life. Maybe this is my time to change and live the life that I’ve always wanted.
The day was going by fast, I wish that it wasn’t. I’m scared that once we get to California she’ll want to leave and never see me again. We only have a couple more hours left till we make it to California. She’s taught me so much, how to be a better person, how to live life and not waist it, but yet she doesn’t seem to like me like I like her.
“You know we’re almost to California.”
“Yeah, I can’t wait”
“What if we never see each other again though?”
“Look, if we don’t I want to know that you’ll be happy, not stealing anymore, but getting a nice job and getting a chance to start over.” She looks at me with a serious look on her face.
                “I promise that I’ll get a job and live a better life if you don’t forget about me.” I sound cheesy, but this girl means a lot to me, I would hate to say goodbye.
“I promise.” I look at her and smile when she says that.
The day is coming to an end, her and haven’t talked for a couple hours now and everything has been quite, we both know in the morning we’ll be in California going our separate ways.
I wake up and the train has come to a stop, nothing but beach and a new beginning a head of us. I open my eyes and see her sitting there on the edge of the train.
“I’ve got to tell you something” she puts her head down and looks down at the ground below her. I try to get up, my back hurts from jumping onto the train, every time I sit up it feels like pins and needles digging into my back. When I get up I walk over to where she was sitting and sit beside her.
“What is it?” I stuttered.
“We’ll never see each other again.”
“Wait Why?” I look up at her with a confused look. What does she mean we’ll never see each other again?
“I was only sent down here to help you start over.” She looks at me, I can see her green eyes begin to water.
“What do you mean?”
“I’m not actually here, I was sent down here to help you. You’ve done a lot of bad things and I just wanted to help so they sent me down.”
“Wait what! You think I’m some type of ‘the help’ or something! This whole time you’ve been playing me! And who are they?!” I don’t understand what she’s trying to tell me. Half because I’m too upset to even look at her.
“No no! I would never do that. Someday you’ll understand why, and who ‘they’ are, but for now my time is out and I’ve got to go. I’ll never forget about you. Promise” She looks down and slowly starts to fade away. Like a ghost or something, one second she’s here and the next she’s gone.
“You can’t leave me like this! I have so many questions! Noo  noo noo why please don’t!” I get up and look for her, but it was too late. She was gone. I never understood why she was giving me the little hints this whole time about angels and them always watching over us. I guess that she really was my angel. That’s why she was always telling me that she was watching over me, and that she knew so much about me. She was gone. I’ll never forget about that girl, the way she smiled, the way she would look at me with those piercing green eyes like everything was going to be fine, but I guess nothing does last forever. She was gone.

Friday, January 8, 2016